Bookkeeping For Landlords

Designed for folks that own cash-flowing assets - period.

The real estate gurus make it sound simple - just buy cash-flowing assets!

It can be that easy, but some people forget that they’re suddenly in charge of acquisitions, construction, leasing, financing, and admin tasks in their business too.

We help real estate investors with cash-flowing assets protect and understand their finances, without forcing them to spend hours at their desk scrolling through Quickbooks. Our best clients have background as realtors or bankers, general contractors or  entrepreneurs. If you want to reach financial independence, we can give you the financial clarity to get there.

Services include:

  • Income & expenses per property
  • Track your Balance Sheet, rehabs, loans, and equity
  • Automate rent collection & late fees
  • Delegate bill pay and processing
  • Deliver accurate, detailed reports to your Bankers, Business Partners, and Tax Planner
  • Guaranteed satisfaction
Money flow icon. Cash investment sign. Currency exchange symbol. Linear icon on orange background. Vector

Ready to get started?

At Lionshare, EVERY service includes quality time with an expert accountant who knows your business.

Plus, if we’re not delivering on time, we refund your money - guaranteed!