Is Quickbooks training worth it?

When you’re building a business, you have to wear a million hats. You’re the one in charge of marketing, operations, administration, and finance. You’re the CEO, CFO, COO, and probably more! However, you’re going to be better at some of those jobs than you are others. For the ones you aren’t good at, you’ll either need to hire someone or get training to have the right system in place.

If you are trained in Quickbooks and bookkeeping in general, you gain much more control over your ability to plan and make financial decisions. Plus, when you’re ready to hire someone to care for your books, you’ll have a better idea of who is a good fit for your business. And you’ll know how to work with your bookkeeper to make processes go smoother.

Good news! Lionshare Bookeeping is offering Quickbooks training to help real estate investors learn more about how to invest and control their money. Side Hustle Assistance was created to offer training and system implementation for those who understand the importance of bookkeeping, but maybe don’t quite yet have the capability to hire outsourced services.

Do you need Quickbooks training?

Is your long-term goal to do no bookkeeping at all? In that case, yes, you should learn more about bookkeeping. The idea is to grow your business until you can hand off admin and financial responsibilities to someone else.

That said, is every type of Quickbooks training a good fit for everyone? No!

Most Quickbooks training is designed for general business and specifically the service industry. It’s for professionals who have predictable services and even products. That training will likely be a set of CDs, thumb drive, or even an online course with step-by-step instructions that may not fit your business.

Real estate bookkeeping, on the other hand, isn’t something that Quickbooks is naturally good at. But you can tweak it enough to work wonders. You may be wondering why you would bother making those changes when specially designed real estate bookkeeping software exists already.

What makes Quickbooks worthwhile for real estate bookkeeping is its accounting functionality. Accounting is a core feature of Quickbooks. In most of those specially designed real estate bookkeeping software services, accounting is an afterthought.

Can Side Hustle Assistance help you with Quickbooks training?

If you’re starting from zero and you need both general Quickbooks training and real estate specific help, our services are absolutely worth it. We help you determine how much training you really need. Maybe it’s an hour long refresher course, or maybe it’s an in-depth look at how Quickbooks can be optimized for real estate.

Whether you want to keep bookkeeping in-house or outsource it, having a solid base of knowledge in controlling your finances is beneficial. It has the potential to take your business over the hump so you can focus more on buying, selling, growing, and establishing yourself.

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